RHM CD Vol. 503
Album : Kromom Tang 3
Featured Artists: Rin Savet, Nop Bayarith, Aok Sokunkanha, Sun Sreypich, Sous Viza
Release Date : 20.02.2014
File Type: MP3 | Bit Rate : 192 kbps
[ Please buy CD, VCD original for support this production and your favorite star ]
01. Bong Jes Tae Twis - Rith [Get it Here]
02. Kromom Tang 3 - Kanha Ft. Viza Srey Pich [Get it Here]
03. Bopha Kos Nhaek - Savet [Get it Here]
04. Bros Nis Kor Sos (Kanha) [Get it Here]
05. Srolanh Bong Jos - Sovath [Get it Here]
06. Snea Bakthomavie - Savet Ft. Srey Pich [Get it Here]
07. Yang Na Tov Sneha Khnhom - Kanha [Get it Here]
08. Orb Oun Mok - Viza [Get it Here]
09. Somros Kos Kong - Sovath [Get it Here]
10. Ter Bong Khos Avie - Savet [Get it Here
Album : Kromom Tang 3
Featured Artists: Rin Savet, Nop Bayarith, Aok Sokunkanha, Sun Sreypich, Sous Viza
Release Date : 20.02.2014
File Type: MP3 | Bit Rate : 192 kbps
[ Please buy CD, VCD original for support this production and your favorite star ]
01. Bong Jes Tae Twis - Rith [Get it Here]
02. Kromom Tang 3 - Kanha Ft. Viza Srey Pich [Get it Here]
03. Bopha Kos Nhaek - Savet [Get it Here]
04. Bros Nis Kor Sos (Kanha) [Get it Here]
05. Srolanh Bong Jos - Sovath [Get it Here]
06. Snea Bakthomavie - Savet Ft. Srey Pich [Get it Here]
07. Yang Na Tov Sneha Khnhom - Kanha [Get it Here]
08. Orb Oun Mok - Viza [Get it Here]
09. Somros Kos Kong - Sovath [Get it Here]
10. Ter Bong Khos Avie - Savet [Get it Here
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